African Skies 2 – der aktuelle Film von Gunther Wegner ist online!African Skies 2 featuring the beautiful African Landscapes and their inhabitants.

War leider länger etwas ruhig hier – einfach zu viel Arbeit 🙁
Aber sei’s drum – die Arbeit eines Timelapsekollegen muss ich euch an dieser Stelle doch schnell vorstellen. Erstens hat er mit seiner Software LRTimelapse viele Zeitraffersequenzen und -filme weltweit überhaupt erst möglich gemacht und zweitens geht wie schon bei der ersten Auflage ein Teil der Einnahmen vom Verkauf der HD und 4k(!) Downloads in den Natur- und Tierschutz in Afrika! Ach ja, da ist auch noch Drittens: Es ist einfach ein geiler Film:

African Skies 2 – | from on Vimeo.

Afrian Skies 2 features the beautiful African Landscapes and their inhabitants.

We did it again! But this time we wanted more!
We traveled 6 Weeks through the most beautiful Landscapes of Namibia, Botswana and South Africa and shot literally every night – and day. We produced nearly 4 Terabytes of RAW data, shooting with 4 Cameras and I spent half a year of editing – this exceeded the limits of African Skies 1 by far.

I edited the whole film in 4K. The video Sequences, shot with the Nikon D800 and D7100 had to be upscaled a bit (still no reasonable 4K Film-Camera available..) – the Time Lapse sequences, shot mostly with the Nikon D600, were downscaled from 6K. The whole editing and grading (video and time lapse) was done with LRTimelapse and Adobe Lightroom and then only cut in Premiere Pro – this lead to the amazing quality you can see – especially in the Download-Versions.

Please find all info, and the 4K and Full HD downloads that will support the animals at:

Thank you!

Und bitte schaut bei Gunther’s Blog rein – es lohnt sich wegen der Reiseberichte, wegen den Tests, wegen LRTimelapse, na – es lohnt sich halt! 🙂

Auch der Download lohnt sich – die Bildqualität ist nochmals beeindruckender als mit den doch deutlich komprimierten Webplayern!Please watch the new Film from Gunther Wegner (LRTimelapse) and also visit his website and read more about the project.

African Skies 2 – | from on Vimeo.

Afrian Skies 2 features the beautiful African Landscapes and their inhabitants.

We did it again! But this time we wanted more!
We traveled 6 Weeks through the most beautiful Landscapes of Namibia, Botswana and South Africa and shot literally every night – and day. We produced nearly 4 Terabytes of RAW data, shooting with 4 Cameras and I spent half a year of editing – this exceeded the limits of African Skies 1 by far.

I edited the whole film in 4K. The video Sequences, shot with the Nikon D800 and D7100 had to be upscaled a bit (still no reasonable 4K Film-Camera available..) – the Time Lapse sequences, shot mostly with the Nikon D600, were downscaled from 6K. The whole editing and grading (video and time lapse) was done with LRTimelapse and Adobe Lightroom and then only cut in Premiere Pro – this lead to the amazing quality you can see – especially in the Download-Versions.

Please find all info, and the 4K and Full HD downloads that will support the animals at:

African Skies 2


Thank you!

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